Welcome to Otero County!
Otero County was created January 30, 1899 from the parent counties of Doña Ana, Lincoln and Socorro. The County Seat is Alamogordo.
Otero County is a member of NMGenWeb and USGenWeb ®
White Sands National Monument is a beautiful 275-acre dunefield of gypsum sand about 15 miles from Alamogordo off Highway 70.
The Otero County Court House is located at 1000 New York Avenue, Alamogordo, NM 88310.
Phone: 575-437-7310 Fax: 575-434-8886
Some Otero County court records are online on the county website.
Otero County Coordinator: Position Vaccant
State Coordinator: Leon Moya
Assistant State Coordinators: Tom Bombaci, Jr. and Donna Cain