Otero County

Welcome to Otero County!

Otero County was created January 30, 1899 from the parent counties of Doña Ana, Lincoln and Socorro. The County Seat is Alamogordo.

Otero County is a member of NMGenWeb and USGenWeb ®

White Sands

White Sands National Monument is a beautiful 275-acre dunefield of gypsum sand about 15 miles from Alamogordo off Highway 70.

The Otero County Court House is located at 1000 New York Avenue, Alamogordo, NM 88310.

Phone: 575-437-7310 Fax: 575-434-8886

Otero County Court House

Some Otero County court records are online on the county website.

Otero County Coordinator: Position Vaccant

State Coordinator: Leon Moya
Assistant State Coordinators: Tom Bombaci, Jr. and Donna Cain